This lesson was intended to follow straight on after the
previous, but family life got in the way, and there were a few weekends gap
before we got round to it. This lesson relies on contrasting with the previous
lesson, so I was worried that the ideas from last time wouldn’t survive the gap
to be reinforced here.
Lesson 6: Communicating electronically: presentations
How communicating through presentation differs
from communicating through documents
From ideas to writing to editing
Write (using pen and paper) outline for a book
report presentation: How does listening differ from reading? What is the report
listener interested in finding out? What are the techniques for making the
presentation engaging?
Refresh memory of the book report from last
Write (electronically) outline for book report,
comprising of section headings, five-word slide summaries.
Complete book report presentation
Critical evaluation - Edit report comparing with
outline from step 1
Present to Mummy
It turns out that referring to her written notes was a very
effective way for DD1 to refresh her memory of the concepts from last time. Her
notes triggered some good discussion on the differences in communication types.
She also improved upon the teaching points that I was trying to convey to her! She,
very insightfully, wrote he key ingredients of a presentation from the
viewpoint of both the listener and the presenter:
For the listener:
What is it about?
What do I need to know?
How will I remember?
For the presenter:
How do I explain it?
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